Monday 2 June 2014

Watch Dogs promotional box leads to bomb scare

A Watch Dogs promotional item caused quite a scare for an Australian online news publisher yesterday.

Ninemsn, a online publication, contacted authorities after receiving a black safe and a note. The note had the supposed pin code to the safe, but the code caused the object to begin beeping.

Employees were sent home as a bomb squad investigated the mysterious device. When it was opened, it was revealed to contain a copy of Watch Dogs, some hats, and a note about the game's release date.

While the idea of sending a safe containing Watch Dogs was a clever way to promote the game that heavily involves secrecy and hacking, sending a beeping black box to a newsroom seems questionable at best. Thankfully, Ubisoft Australia released a statement apologizing for the misunderstanding.

"Our team in Australia sent voicemail messages to some local media alerting them that they'd receive a special package to the game," Ubisoft said. "Unfortunately, the delivery to Ninemsn didn't go as planned, and we unreservedly apologize to Ninemsn's staff for the mistake and for any problems caused as a result. We will take additional precautions in the future to ensure this kind of situation doesn't happen again."

Hal Crawford, editor of Ninemsn, called the situation "the other side of the line in terms of what is safe for a PR company to send anonymously to a newsroom."

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