Tuesday 16 April 2013

Opinion: Why the next-gen rumour mill grinds my gears

Totally plausible.....

Every 5-8 years the leading console platforms get ready to release a new system. While they slowly build up anticipation, the rumour mills slowly start turning.

The amount of rumours and what they say normally build up more hype than the actual press releases do. The rumours are ridiculous as well; everything from the consoles being on the same level as a $4000 computer to supporting games and video files for the previous systems.

The only way to get around these rumours is to keep an open mind on what you are hearing. It is highly doubtful the new XBox will contain a system that is more powerful than a $4000 gaming PC that can run the most graphically enhanced games. 

Reselling that console for $500 doesn't make any economical sense. Stay rational with your expectations, otherwise when the companies do release the actual specs, you may be sorely disappointed.

All of the "blueprints" being released annoy me as well. 

Most of them look as if they have been made in Photoshop and carry no real measurements or price points. I remember seeing a blueprint that would have made the console a foot and a half wide and 2 feet tall and that is with everything being stack upon itself inside, resulting in a cooling and overheating problem.

One of the many schematics that were "leaked"

I think the only way to avoid these rumours from starting is for the companies to release the actual schematics and console specs as soon as possible. I doubt that would ever happen though. 

I mean, what better publicity than a bunch of rumours that are ridiculous and absurd?

What console/platform do you game on? Which system will you upgrade to?

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