Monday 11 March 2013

Review: Dawnguard

packart for Dawnguard
The eyes of a vampire post-Dawnguard. (Photo credit:
With the PlayStation 3 finally receiving the DLC for Skyrim the add-ons Dawnguard and Dragonborn will be played by many owners of the console. The question is if they are worth the price tag.

Dawnguard was the first DLC for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I held out for a while and picked it up during the Christmas sale on Xbox Live for 800 points (half off of the original 1600.)

If you don't know what that is in dollars it is $10 and $20 respectively. Dawnguard is worth the $10 easily in my opinion, however a friend of mine was not so sure he wanted it.

Let's look at some of the factors in deciding it's worth to you.

Need: You love Skyrim. You love it so much, in fact, that you have conquered it and seen all or most of what it has to offer. The problem is you still want more. If this is you, then it is safe to say it will be worth it to you at full price.

Content: Dawnguard all in all lasts about as long as a faction quest-line. Bethesda has said as much. The thing is sometimes that can go by awfully quickly. Luckily Dawnguard offers more than quests. New shouts, armour, weapons and a new follower help this as they enhance and add to the full game.

Story: Vampires. You like them? Well they have been made cooler. They attack Holds randomly (especially if you fast-travel). You can be a Vampire Lord (cool powers, hovering, wings.) The thing is they want to blot out the sun so they can run wild on Skyrim. Helping or preventing them, as usual, is up to you.

Dawnguard is a solid add-on to Skyrim. It adds some more flavour to the overall game especially now that playing Werewolf or Vampire is more appealing than before. The quest-line is fun and engaging throughout too. Dawnguard simply gives you more. More quest, weapons, shouts and enemies. If you are looking for more Skyrim content this should not disappoint.