Saturday 13 October 2012

Review: Borderlands 2

Yeah, I'll take it. (Photo credit:
In 2009 Borderlands was released and I picked it up for the price of $40. I had trust in the developers and things I had heard and seen about the game to know it was going to be a very enjoyable experience. Unbeknownst to me that $40 price point was more of move to try and get a innovative, original IP to fly, rather than a cool thing from the publisher.

That isn't the point though, the point is that Borderlands was a huge hit and was received very well by critics as well as the gaming community at large. The risk paid off. Now we are here in 2012, Borderlands 2 is another huge hit and this time at $59.99.

The Story: The story is a little like the first one in some superficial ways. There are four characters/classes as before to choose from. There is a vault you are after once again. Fun and vibrant characters colour your journey. Those similarities serve to show us we are in the same world and universe. The reset button has not been hit, instead we are truly playing in the world after the events of Borderlands.

The main villain this time around is best described as a charismatic, silly, overtly evil, murderer-tyrant. His name is Handsome Jack and he enjoys telling you how much he wants to destroy you as much as does attempting to. The story is simple enough, you trying to stop him from getting to a vault by getting there first if you can.

Multiplayer: The great multiplayer that made Borderlands a hit has not been messed with in any significant way. There is a neat lobby when you are waiting to start playing but other than that it remains unchanged in all important aspects.

Guns and guns: Weaponry has been improved this time around with more variety and aspects to the weapons themselves. The money system has also been re-balanced and the amounts made smaller. Grenades for example have many more properties available to them this time around such as pulling enemies closer to them before exploding. Cool stuff.

Humour: Much more of it this time around and it was used to great effect. I don't want to go into specifics, but think equally zany and dark.

Final Say: If you liked Borderlands you should enjoy Borderlands 2 just as much. They did not re-write the book or turn the game inside out. They made a true sequel and delivered a great game with a lot of replayability and multiplayer fun. Having more fun solo in this than the first iteration is likely.

Have you played Borderlands 2? What are your impressions of the game and the new DLC?